L&I and Work Injury Compensation Resources
We understand how difficult it is to navigate the L&I claims process in the state of Washington. We’re here to help!
Forms & Applications
Affidavit for Time Loss Compensation
Application for Loss of Earning Power (LEP) Benefits
Application to Reopen an L&I Claim Due to Worsening
Employment Security Department (ESD) Records Release
File an L&I Claim – Instructions Pamphlet
Labor & Industries Legal Causation Standards
Medical Examiner's Handbook
Miscellaneous Services Reimbursement Request Form
Pharmacy Reimbursement Request Form
Transfer of Care / Change of Attending Provider (A.P.)
Travel and Wage Reimbursement Request Form – For IME Attendance
Abuse of Discretion Legal Standards
Affidavit for Time Loss Compensation
Application for Loss of Earning Power (LEP) Benefits
Application for CRSSA Settlement
Application to Reopen an L&I Claim Due to Worsening
Application to Reopen an L&I Claim - Statement of Fact Form
How to Protest a Department of Labor & Industries Decision
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Labor & Industries Legal Causation Standards
Letter of Intent for School Enrollment
Legal Standards in Abuse of Discretion Cases
How to Protest a Department of Labor & Industries Decision
- English
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Bengali
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Burmese
- Cambodian
- Chinese
- Chuukese
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- Dari
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- Ukrainian
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- Vietnamese
Pharmacy Reimbursement Request Form
Provider Applications to Treat Injured Workers & Get Paid
Application to Become a Washington Practitioner
- English (Only Provided in English)
L&I Network Provider Application Packet
Out of Country L&I Provider Application
L&I Provider Account Application (To Get Paid)
Transfer of Care / Change of Attending Provider (A.P.)
- English (SIE Claims Only)
- Spanish (SIE Claims Only)
- English (State Fund Claims)
Travel Reimbursement Request – Medical & Vocational Services
Travel and Wage Reimbursement Request Form – For IME Attendance
Abuse of Discretion Legal Standards
Affidavit for Time Loss Compensation
Application for Loss of Earning Power (LEP) Benefits
Application for CRSSA Settlement
Application to Reopen an L&I Claim Due to Worsening
Application to Reopen an L&I Claim - Statement of Fact Form
Employment Security Department (ESD) Records Release
File an L&I Claim – Instructions Pamphlet
File an L&I Discrimination / Retaliation Complaint
How to Protest a Department of Labor & Industries Decision
- English
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Bengali
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Burmese
- Cambodian
- Chinese
- Chuukese
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- Nepali-Nepalese
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- Rwanda-Kinyarwanda
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- Soninke-Soninkeh
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- Tagalog-Filipino
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- Tamil-Sri-Lankan
- Telugu-Telegu
- Thai
- Tibetan
- Tigrinya-Tigrigna
- Tongan
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Labor & Industries Legal Causation Standards
Letter of Intent for School Enrollment
Legal Standards in Abuse of Discretion Cases
Medical Examiner's Handbook
Miscellaneous Services Reimbursement Request Form
How to Protest a Department of Labor & Industries Decision
- English
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Bengali
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Burmese
- Cambodian
- Chinese
- Chuukese
- Croatian
- Dari
- Dinka
- Ewe
- Farsi
- French
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- Jamaican-Patois
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- Kunama
- Laotian
- Lingala
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- Mien
- Mongolian-Cyrillic
- Nepali-Nepalese
- Oromo-Afaan-Oromo
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Punjabi-Panjabi
- Romani
- Romanian
- Russian
- Rwanda-Kinyarwanda
- Samoan
- Somali
- Soninke-Soninkeh
- Swahili
- Tagalog-Filipino
- Tamil-Indian
- Tamil-Sri-Lankan
- Telugu-Telegu
- Thai
- Tibetan
- Tigrinya-Tigrigna
- Tongan
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Pharmacy Reimbursement Request Form
Provider Applications to Treat Injured Workers & Get Paid
Application to Become a Washington Practitioner
- English (Only Provided in English)
L&I Network Provider Application Packet
Out of Country L&I Provider Application
L&I Provider Account Application (To Get Paid)
Transfer of Care / Change of Attending Provider (A.P.)
- English (SIE Claims Only)
- Spanish (SIE Claims Only)
- English (State Fund Claims)
Travel and Wage Reimbursement Request Form – For IME Attendance
Travel Reimbursement Request – Medical & Vocational Services
Verification of School Enrollment
L&I Resource Videos
Washington Law Center provides the following video links as a public service to help all injured workers learn about the L&I claims process, generally.  Please keep in mind that these videos are not a substitute for qualified and experienced legal counsel given in respect of your particular claim facts, and our past performances discussed in these videos do not guarantee a similar outcome in your L&I case. Please contact us for a free and confidential consultation today.
Video Transcript: Am I Eligible for L&I Pension?
ATTORNEY SPENCER PARR: Many people don’t know, and the Department of Labor & Industries does not advertise, that if an injured worker is injured so badly that they can’t return to work for the rest of their lives, they may be entitled to what’s known as an injury pension. They can effectively get their time loss rate, every day, for the rest of their life, no matter how long they live -even if they live beyond 100. The benefits are inflation-adjusted and keep pace over time. Those benefits can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Washington Law Center has pensioners who have pensions worth more than 2 million dollars. Those benefits may be available to you, but the self-insured employers and the Department of Labor & Industries don’t give them away. Generally, there’s a fight. If you believe that you may be entitled to an injury pension, you should hire one of the experienced and successful attorneys of Washington Law Center today.
Free Case Evaluation
Many people are surprised to learn that we offer free, no obligation case consultations for all injury related cases. We do this to help the injured learn about their legal rights and so they can make an informed decision when selecting the best legal counsel for their needs. All calls with Washington Law Center are kept entirely confidential.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Department of Labor & Industries?
The Department of Labor & Industries in Washington is a massive state agency responsible for administering the Industrial Insurance Act, which is Washington’s workers’ compensation law. It has an annual budget of approximately $400 million for payments made out of its accident fund (indemnity benefits to injured workers) and $400 million for payments out of its medical aid fund (to cover medical care costs). Its claims managers generate so much litigation that 51 full-time Assistant Attorneys General (lawyers) are employed by the Attorney General’s Office just to defend its decisions at the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals and in the higher courts. It loses the vast majority of that expensive litigation when pitted against private market L&I attorneys, including those of Washington Law Center.
Who can file a workers’ compensation claim through L&I?
Any worker who is injured on the job in Washington State, or who develops an occupational disease based upon work performed in Washington state has a right to file an L&I claim and seek medical treatment, wage replacement benefits, vocational retraining, permanent partial disability benefits and/or pension benefits. Some out-of-state workers may also be eligible if their employment has significant connections with a Washington employer at the time they are injured or develop an occupational disease.
How can I file an L&I Claim? What are the steps I must follow?
Simply report your injury to your physician and request to complete an L&I claim. If your regular physician cannot complete the necessary paperwork, go to any urgent care or occupational disease physician to file your claim as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may also use the FileFast claim filing system at www.Lni.wa.gov/FileFast; email FileFast@Lni.wa.gov; or call 1-877-561-3453 or 360-902-5410. A qualified L&I Attorney can also assist you with guidance on how to make a claim filing that is unlikely to be rejected.
How do I know the status of my L&I Claim?
The Department of Labor & Industries will mail you information that explains the status of your claim and tells you how to contact your claims manager. These communications will be in the language of your preference. You may also sign up for Secure Access Washington to monitor your L&I claim file contents and communicate with your claims manager online, which is recommended. In addition, you can appoint a qualified L&I attorney who can provide you with regular updates about your legal rights and responsibilities within the context of your specific L&I claim.
Can I get fired for filing an L&I Claim?
While it is against the law for your employer to fire you just because you file a claim, the employer can still fire you for related reasons, such as that you violated an established safety rule and thereby caused your injury. If you believe you have been retaliated against for filing a claim, notify the Department of Labor & Industries at 1-866-324-3310 within 90 days of the date you believe you were unfairly fired or retaliated against. You must also file an Industrial Insurance Discrimination Complaint form, available for free download from Washington Law Center in various languages.
Once L&I has accepted my claim, do I have to pay for medical bills related to my claim?
No, at least not generally. If you do receive medical bills related to your injury, you must report those to the Department of Labor & Industries. The Department only pays for medical treatment bills incurred in relation to accepted or “allowed” medical conditions, and then only if the services also constitute “proper and necessary” diagnostic methods or medical care under your claim. If you have received medical bills for conditions you believe should be covered, you should likely contact an experienced L&I Attorney immediately.
What types of medical visits may require pre-approval?
Some types of medical care require pre-authorization under your L&I claim. This is done through what is known as “utilization review” by a vendor named Comagine. Specialist consultations and examinations; physical therapy; occupational therapy; massage therapy; diagnostic imaging and nerve conduction studies all require pre-authorization. If your doctor’s office reports that authorization has not been provided, ask for a copy of the doctor’s utilization review request and then contact an experienced L&I Attorney immediately.
How long from the date of injury do I have to open a claim for a work-related injury?
Workers who have suffered an industrial injury have one year from the date of their injury, as measured beginning on the day after their injury, to file an accident claim. Workers have two years to file as measured from the date a physician diagnoses their injury, tells them in writing they have an “occupational disease” (including a repetitive stress injury to the musculoskeletal system) and advises them to file an occupational disease claim with the Department of Labor & Industries. All workers are advised to file as quickly as possible and to consult an experienced L&I Attorney.
If my claim has been closed, how long do I have to request a reopening?
Technically, you can file to reopen your claim for medical treatment only at any time. However, you cannot get paid time-loss benefits, loss of earnings power payments, increased permanent partial disability awards, pension benefits or any other type of indemnity (wage-replacement) benefit after seven years from the date of the original claim closure, unless the Director of Labor & Industries personally approves payments to you, which will only be done under very rare circumstances.
For Washington workers’ compensation claims, the Department of Labor & Industries will only reimburse medical care providers who have joined the Medical Provider Network.Â
It does not matter if the medical provider practices outside of Washington State, they still must be enrolled in the L&I Provider Network in order to be paid for treating an injured worker with a Washington L&I Claim.
In most (but not all) circumstances, injured workers are entitled to be treated by the approved L&I medical provider of their own choice, but they must locate one nearby if their provider intends to charge for the medical services rendered. Washington’s injured workers can search for a registered L&I network provider by visiting the “Find a Doctor” page on the Department’s website. Otherwise, the injured worker must request that their current doctor join the Department’s Medical Provider Network, at which time the doctor can even bill retrospectively for services already rendered within the past several months.
The application is not especially onerous to complete and is normally pre-filled by a Practice Manager in preparation for review and signature by the applying physician or other prospective L&I provider. In addition, the provider must also complete a Provider Account Application so that the provider can get paid for their services. Both of these completed application packets must then be submitted by mail or fax to the Department of Labor & Industries using the contact information and instructions contained therein.
As a condition of becoming an L&I provider, the Department does require contractual agreement that medical services will only be provide based upon the Department’s fee schedules in place for a given year. To see the potential reimbursement rates, doctors can use the Department’s fee schedules and a fee schedule lookup tool online. In general, most providers find that the Department’s rates are competitive, although there is still extra paperwork to do when caring for injured workers versus caring for private pay and other insured patients, just as there also is in every other state workers’ compensation system.

If providers need help understanding any part of Washington’s Industrial Insurance system, the provider may call Washington Law Center’s Attorneys for free assistance in answering their questions (regardless of whether we actually represent their patient). Our Attorneys endeavor to make the application process as easy as possible so that injured workers’ can obtain quality medical care from providers of their own choice.
Injured workers are allowed to request interpreter services paid for by the Department of Labor & Industries or the Self-Insured Employer. There is no guarantee that the interpreter services will be paid for by Washington’s Industrial Insurance (workers’ compensation) system, but injured workers in need of such services should certainly ask. L&I pays for interpreters to attend independent medical exams and regular doctor exams, as well as for meetings with vocational experts. If you believe that having a qualified interpreter will assist you, please use the L&I Approved Interpreter Lookup Service. You can also ask a friend or a family member to assist with interpreter services as same is allowed.

Remember that using interpreter services throughout the lifetime of a claim can assist injured workers in conducting complete communications and in proving that they will face language barriers when attempting to reenter the competitive labor market, so take advantage of the Department’s services whenever they are made available free of cost. If you do actually need an interpreter in any language in order to communicate effectively with your Attorney at Washington Law Center, we will provide interpreter services to you for that purpose, free of cost. Washington Law Center is committed to the ideal that no person should ever go without access to legal counsel and representation simply because they do not speak a particular language.
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